cornhole bags

How to throw the Cornhole bags &Tips for a Perfect Throw the tosses.

The proper technique and consistent practice are essential for throwing the cornhole bag accurately. By following the steps below, you can become a professional cornhole player.

1. Cornhole Distance

  • A line is marked approximately 27 feet away from the cornhole board. The player throwing the cornhole bag must stand behind this line. 
cornhole distance
  • It is important for the cornhole player to position their feet according to their shoulder width. This helps maintain proper balance and posture while throwing.
  • Follow the official U.S. Cornhole rules to play this game correctly and enjoy it to the fullest.

2. Grip the Cornhole Bag

  • Hold the cornhole bag firmly with your dominant hand, which is typically the hand you feel most comfortable and strong with. You can use either your left or right hand to grip the bag, depending on your preference.
  •  Choose a grip that feels comfortable and secure for you. 
  • Most players tend to use a traditional grip, where they place the bag on their palm and curl their fingers over the top, gripping the bag from above with their fingertips.
grip the cornhole bags

3. Stance of the Player

The cornhole player should face towards the board while standing. The player should distribute their body weight evenly on both feet, ensuring a balanced posture.

4. Focus On Your Aim

  • Keep your entire focus on the hole present on the cornhole board because throwing the cornhole bag into the hole yields the highest points.
  •  You need to maintain your aim to successfully direct the cornhole bag into the desired hole.
  •  Adjust your feet and body in such a way that your attention is completely focused on the cornhole board. 
  • When you throw the bag, ensure that your arm movements are directed straight towards the board, aiming to land the bag accurately.
practice the cornhole

5.Swing Your Hand

  • In the hand you are holding your bag, use your dominant arm to maintain proper shape and control. 
  • Move your arm in a natural pendulum-like motion, allowing it to swing back and forth smoothly. 
  • Then, release the cornhole bag towards the board, facing it, and wait for the bag to land on the board.

6.Release the Bag

  • When your arm is brought forward and reaches the highest point, release the bag from your hand. 
  • As you release the bag, keep in mind to release it with a slight elevation and at the correct angle, ensuring that it lands straight onto the cornhole board.
release the bag

7. Follow The Throw

  • After releasing the bag, let your arm follow through towards the board. 
  • Allow your arm to naturally extend forward after throwing the bag, and then bring it down.

8. Practice The Same Techniques

  • To throw the cornhole bag correctly and aim for a straight shot into the hole, you should practice repeatedly throwing the bag. 
  • During practice, try different techniques, throw from various angles, experiment with changing your arm position, and modify your stance to see if adopting a better technique helps you throw the bag more accurately.

Remember, cornhole is an easy, skill-based game that can be played in every season. It may take some time to choose the right technique and perfect your aim in this game. It would be helpful if you practice on a daily basis, as it can greatly assist you in becoming a professional cornhole player.