Complete Official U.S Cornhole Rules

Chapter No 1

Cornhole Rules About Playing Equipment’s

According to U.S. Cornhole Rules, two types of equipment can be used to play the game, and the U.S. Cornhole rules-making authority also recognizes and approves these two types of equipment. Cornhole Game is an outdoor game that involves two wooden boards and bags filled with corn or other synthetic materials.

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  • Certified Equipment’s 
  • Approved Equipment’s

U.S Cornhole Certified Equipment’s

  • Certified equipment includes boards and bags that have the U.S. Cornhole logo and are used in tournaments and different series.
  •  Branded bags and boards used in the U.S. Cornhole tournaments and events should have the U.S. Cornhole logo on their bottom right or rear crossbeam. 
  • All branded U.S. Cornhole bags are included in certified equipment.

U.S Cornhole Approved Equipment’s

It is necessary to get all the cornhole equipment approved by the U.S. rules-making authority according to the measurements and criteria provided below. If you create the equipment according to these criteria, it can be used in all types of cornhole tournaments and leagues after getting approval from the U.S. rules-making authority.

Criteria For Getting Cornhole Boards Approved

  1. For making cornhole boards, hardwood or plywood is used. The playing surface of the board should have measurements of 47.5-48 inches in length and 23.5-24 inches in width. 
  2. The area of the board that constitutes the playing surface must have a minimum thickness of 1/2 inch for boards with a cross-section, and 3/4 inches for boards without a cross-section. 
  3. Each set’s board should weigh no less than 25 lbs.
  4. The hole on the board should have a diameter of 6 inches, positioned at the center of the board’s top surface, with its center being equidistant from each side and edge. 
  5. The playing surface area in front of the board should be raised 3 to 4 inches from the ground, and the playing surface area on the backside should be raised 12 inches from the ground.
  6. The playing surface should be completely smooth with a flat texture. The finishing should be done in such a way that there are no blemishes or irregularities on the wood’s surface, ensuring no distortion or disturbance during the game. 
  7. To make the playing surface beautiful and allow the bags to slide smoothly, a high gloss latex paint or varnish can be used. However, the surface should not be excessively slippery to avoid bags sliding and falling off the board.
Cornhole Board

Criteria For Getting Cornhole Bags Approved

  1. For making each bag, 2 square pieces of fabric are used, which are sewn together with double stitching. 
  2. The fabric used for making the bags should be strong and durable, such as synthetic suede, twill, or canvas.
  3.  The measurement of each bag should not be less than 5.75 inches and not greater than 6.25 inches. 
  4. The weight of each bag should be no less than 15 ounces and no greater than 16 ounces.

Chapter No 2

Cornhole Rules About Court Layout

Cornhole Court Layout

Cornhole Court

The regulation size of a cornhole court is generally 8 feet wide and 12 feet long, with a vertical clearance of 12 feet above the court. 

If a tournament is planned in a location with less than 12 feet of vertical clearance, it should be ensured that this limitation is clearly stated in the tournament listing before the event takes place.

This Court Consist Of Two Player’s Lanes

Lane 1

When you are on the backside of the scoring tower, Lane 1 is on the left side of your board.

Lane 2

The Designated Pitcher Boxes are on Lane 2, which is on the right side of your board when you are on the backside of the scoring tower.

Cornhole Distance

Cornhole boards are positioned in a way that they are placed 27 feet apart from edge to edge on the front side. This measurement is taken such that the distance from the front of one board to the front of the other board should be 27 feet.

Cornhole Board

Cornhole Pitcher Boxes

In a single court, each board has a designated pitcher box area on both sides, which is a 4×3 feet area located at one corner of the board, either on its left or right side.

Cornhole Foul Lines

The area beyond where the cornhole board ends and from where players stand to pitch the bag is marked by a line, and the area in front of this line is called the foul lines.

Cornhole Court Parameters & Maintenance 

To keep the cornhole playing surface completely clean, shiny, and smooth, it is the responsibility of all players to make sure that their court is in excellent condition during the match.

 No external substances, such as baby powder, talc powder, pledge, or silicon spray, are allowed to be applied on the playing surface or bags during the game. Before starting the cornhole match, a dry cloth can be used to clean the board.

Chapter No 3

Cornhole Rules About Scoring

1. Length Of Game

In the game of Cornhole, a total of 21 points are played to determine the winner. The game continues until one team or player reaches 21 points or more. Once a team or player achieves 21 points first, they will be declared the winner.

2. Cornhole Scoring – Bag Teams

Woody Bags

A bag that lands on the cornhole board’s playing surface and stays there without falling off or going into the hole is called a “woody” bag.

Cornhole Board point

Cornhole Bags

A bag that is on the board’s playing surface during the game but falls into the hole at any time later is called a “cornhole bag.”

Foul Bags

Foul bags are bags that are neither counted as “woody” nor “cornhole.” These bags fall to the ground after being thrown or are a result of a rules violation.

Designated Foul Bags

  1. If during the bag pitch, one or both of your feet are completely inside the pitcher box, and you release the bag, it will be considered a foul. 
  2. If a player does not pitch their bag within 15 seconds, it will also be considered a foul. 
  3. Similarly, if a player throws the bag from anywhere other than their designated pitcher box, it will be a foul.
  4. If the bag is thrown in a way that it touches the ground before landing on the playing surface, it will be considered a foul.
  5.  If the bag is thrown and collides with the ground or the board before coming to a stop, it will be a foul. 
  6. If the bag is thrown in such a way that it touches a tree branch, the indoor court ceiling, or any other object before landing on the board, it will also be considered a foul.

Method Of Scoring

Cancellation Of Scoring

  • The Cornhole sport uses an approved scoring method called “cancellation scoring.” 
  • In cancellation scoring, the team that scores fewer points deducts its score from the team that scores more points.
  •  This way, in one frame, only one team remains with a higher score.
  •  During the game, each woody bag earns 1 point, and each cornhole bag earns 3 points.

For example,

  •  if Team A scores 2 woody bags and 2 cornhole bags during a frame, their total points would be 8.
  •  On the other hand, Team B scores 0 woody bags and 2 cornhole bags, resulting in a total of 6 points.
  •  Now
  •  Team A’s score will be 2 points (8 points – 6 points).
  • In this way, Team A will be declared the winner of this frame.

Recording The Score

Until the score is completely recorded, no bag will be moved from the board. If a player or team has doubts about the scoring, they can call upon official certified departments to resolve the scoring dispute.

Recording The Final Score

Each player is encouraged to keep an eye on their scores. After the completion of a frame, players should go to their score tower and update their scores based on the conclusion of that frame. If a player has any doubts or concerns about the score update or calculation, they have the option to call a certified official or director to get their score corrected.

Calling The Score

When a third-party is chosen to manage the score in the score tower, their responsibility is to inform the scorekeeper of the team with the highest score after each frame. Before starting the next frame, it is the responsibility of each team/player to check their scores on the score tower.

Chapter No 4

Cornhole Rules About Play Of The Cornhole Game

Overview Of Single & Double Play

Single Play

In a single play, two players compete against each other, such as Player A competing against Player B. Both players stand on their designated lanes throughout the entire game. Players stand behind the headboard to start their game. 

Each player takes turns to throw their 4 bags towards the cornhole board. After throwing all 4 bags, players go to the board to assess their scores and then continue the game by throwing their bags from the other side of the board.

Double Play

In a double play, two teams compete against each other, such as Team A competing against Team B. Each team consists of two players. Throughout the entire game, both teams stay on their designated sides.

 Players from each team take turns going to the headboard and throwing their 4 bags towards the cornhole board. The player who is at the footboard will calculate their team’s score, while the other player from the same team continues to throw their bags towards the other cornhole board.

cornhole game

Pitching Cornhole Bags


A player needs to pitch all their cornhole bags, one by one (4 bags), within a specified time. When a player releases the bag, it is necessary for the bag to be released under-hand.

 It is essential that when releasing the bag, one foot or appendage of the player is completely within the pitcher box. Before pitching the bag, the player must ensure that no part of their body touches the ground beyond the foul line.

Pitching The Next Frame

If a player had a higher score in the previous frame, they will throw first in the next frame. In case the score is tied in a frame, the player who threw first in the previous frame will throw first in the next frame.

Accidental Release

 A cornhole bag that the player has taken their full position for, completed their last step, and started their final forward swing, but accidentally releases from their hand, will not be considered an accidental release, and the pitch will count.

 However, if the bag is accidentally released before the player’s final step or before starting the final forward swing, it will not be considered a foul, and the player can pick up the bag and throw it again.

Pitching Out Of Turn

  1. If a player pitches out of turn during a frame, regardless of the time, the bag they pitched will be considered a foul, and it will be removed from the board.
  2.  If a bag pitched out of turn hits any previously thrown bags, those bags will be reset to their original positions. 
  3. If the mistake is not discovered until after the next two bags have been thrown, the game will continue, and the scoring will be done accordingly.
  4. If there is a disagreement among players regarding this matter, a certified official management should be called upon to make a decision.

Touching The Bags Before The Frame Is Complete

  • If a bag that would score points (either a woody or a cornhole) is unintentionally or intentionally touched by a player, the frame will be immediately stopped.
  •  The team whose bag was touched is referred to as the offending team. Only the bags that were thrown before the touching incident will be counted, and the score for those bags will be added to the offending team’s total. The remaining bags that were not thrown yet will not be allowed to be thrown.
  • The non-offending team will receive 12 points as if they had thrown 4 cornholes during the frame.

Important Note 

These 12 points are not automatically added to the scoreboard. They are manually added to the scoreboard in a special frame before the cancellation takes place.


Red has thrown 3 bags equaling 5 points to this point in the frame

Blue has thrown 3 bags equaling 8 points to this point in the frame

Blue accidentally reaches down and grabs the bags

The frame is over

Blue’s remaining bag is declared dead and their previous points are tallied

Red tallies 12 points for the frame, as if they had thrown 4 cornholes

12 Red points – 8 Blue points

Red scores 4 points for that frame

Time Limits – Pitching and Scoring

Pitching The Bags

  • In single play, after a player has thrown all their bags, they have a 15-second window to throw their bag again. 
  • In a single play, after a player has thrown all their bags, they have 30 seconds to go to the other side and gather their bags before they can throw again.
  • However, if a player is facing any difficulty, disability, or other issues, a certified official can extend the time for them during the center time.

Scoring The Game

During a frame, when a player throws their last bag, they must pause for 5 seconds, during which the score is calculated. If any bag moves from its original position after the 5-second pause, its score will be based on its initial position.

Other Game Rules

Moving Cornhole Boards & Bags

  • If a player wants to clear their board during the game, they need to seek permission from their opponent team before doing so.
  • During a frame, a player is allowed to cross their foul line in three situations: 
  1. when the time-out call is made, when a time-out is taken.
  2.  when rank bags are piled inside the cornhole board hole.
  3.  Bags considered foul can be removed from the playing surface.

Chapter No 5

Cornhole Rules About Tournament Play

Tournament Play In Double Elimination Single Game

A standard double-elimination tournament is a very common and widely played type of tournament. In this type of tournament, many players or teams can participate. It consists of two types of rounds: the winner bracket and the loser bracket. Each team or player must lose one match in each of these rounds to be eliminated from the tournament.

In the winner bracket and loser bracket, as matches progress, teams compete against each other. When only one team/player remains in both the winner bracket and the loser bracket, they face each other in a final match.

 If the team from the winner bracket wins this match, they are declared the overall winner. However, if the team from the loser bracket wins, they send the winning bracket team to the loser bracket, and if they win again, they become the overall winner.

Double Elimination Best 2 Out Of 3 Games In The Winner & Losers Bracket

A double-elimination best 2 out of 3 tournament is organized to give all players and teams more opportunities and time to play games. This type of tournament starts from the winner bracket. In this tournament, each team or player needs to lose two matches to be sent to the loser bracket. 

Each team has three matches against their opposite team. If a team wins two out of the three matches, they remain in the winner bracket. However, if they lose two matches, they are moved to the loser bracket.

Once a team is in the loser bracket, they no longer have a chance to lose another match. To stay in the tournament and retain their position, they must win all their matches in the loser bracket.

cornhole play

The last two remaining teams, one from the winner bracket and one from the loser bracket, face each other in the final match. If the team from the winner bracket defeats the team from the loser bracket, they are declared the overall winner of the tournament. 

However, for the team from the loser bracket to win the tournament, they must defeat the team from the winner bracket in two matches.If both the winner bracket and loser bracket finals teams use the best 2 out of 3 formats, they will follow the same rules as mentioned earlier. 

The team from the loser bracket, which has played without two losses, will compete against the last team from the winner bracket. If this team wins the match, they will be declared the winner of the entire tournament.

Chapter No 6

Cornhole Rules About The Player Conduct

Player Conduct

On The Court

During a tournament or match, any team or individuals present at the game should refrain from engaging in distracting or inappropriate behaviors that could disrupt the game. This includes avoiding actions such as using offensive language, making inappropriate gestures, or throwing bags inappropriately. Strict adherence to these rules is required.


If a player is feeling uncomfortable due to the behavior of others or any other reasons during the game, they can call upon the management team present at the event to address the issue. The management team has the authority to take action as per the rules. 

  • Initially, a warning will be given to the offending individual or team for their inappropriate behavior. 
  • If the behavior continues, a final warning will be issued. 
  • If the inappropriate actions persist even after the final warning, the team may be disqualified from the match. 
cornhole night play


In a Cornhole tournament, if any player is caught using offensive language or engaging in hacking activities towards other players, the certified management team has the authority to remove that player from the current match or even from the entire tournament. It is strictly prohibited for players to use inappropriate language or engage in any form of hacking.

Giving & Receiving Player Advice

During the matches, one player from a team is not allowed to provide advice or disclose the position of their team’s bags to another player. Such actions are considered illegal

Alcohol, Tobacco Products and illegal Controlled Substances

Participating in any illegal activities is strictly prohibited in all Cornhole tournaments held in the United States. Players are allowed to consume both alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks during the game, but it is a mandatory condition that the drinks be kept outside the live court area and within a designated safe zone.

Using Cell Phones

As per the U.S. Cornhole rules, the use of cell phones by all contestants, scorekeepers, and officials during the game inside the court area is prohibited. This rule must be strictly enforced in all tournaments, and if any violations are observed, the official management team has the authority to take appropriate action, including disqualifying the player or team involved in the misconduct.

Audio & Visual

According to the U.S. Cornhole rules, permission is granted to use audio and visual media. You are allowed to capture audio and video of the games being played by the players on the court.